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Showing posts from July, 2009

GEMS - Week 3

english week has ended with successfully..talent day not in our side but we manage to grab 4th spot out of still not too bad right? for public speaking & poem, we only get 5th place..but its still ok and congratulation for the participant..3rd week started with professional grooming we were taught about how to present ourselves in professional problem solving started with unique introduction by our tutor..the subject quite boring but still the tutor manage to craack some jokes..hehe i hope tomorrow will be a better day..i can't wait for sports day in this weekend...i will take part in many sports..hehehe gud luck to my company...


10th Julai; Aku mula mendaftar kt Genting View Resort sebagai peserta tuk program Graduate Employability Management Scheme @ GEMS anjuran Khazanah far ok la sbb mkn 5 kali sehari..sarapan, minum pagi, mkn tgh hari, tea break, & dinner...da la sini sejuk mmg makin berkembang la aku..haha cmne nk kurgkan kekembangan ni ek...da la 2bln setengah aku duk sini..hmm..takpe la..concerntrate kt kursus nih dulu...hehehe